

lunedì 19 agosto 2013

Guernsey World War II bomb blown up at sea

An unexploded World War II bomb has been safely detonated in the sea off the coast of Guernsey.

The British-made 900lb (400kg) bomb was discovered at Bluebell Wood in St Peter Port on Wednesday.

Hundreds of homes were evacuated and a cordon put in place while the bomb was removed by Royal Navy and Guernsey Police bomb disposal experts and taken by road to Fermain Bay.

It was detonated in a controlled explosion just after 20:00 BST.

The operation, which began at first light, disrupted some flights in and out of the Channel Islands because the 300m (1,000ft) exclusion zone overlapped with flight paths.

The bomb is thought to be one of those dropped by the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1944 during the Nazi occupation of the island.

Al largo della costa di Guernsey è stata fatta brillare una bomba di costruzione inglese risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale. L’ordigno è stato trovato nel corso di alcuni lavori nei pressi di St Peter Port mercoledì della settimana passata. La bomba è stata rimossa dai tecnici della Royal Navy. Studiosi locali pensano che l’ordigno sia stato sganciato nel 1944 dalla Royal Canadian Aire Force durante l’occupazione tedesca dell’isola.

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